Save Money on Heating Your Home


Tips for Saving Money on Heating Your Home

Everyone has certain bad habits when it comes to their energy bill. From leaving the TV on all night to standing in front of the open refrigerator door, your harmless actions could add up to some higher bills. Learn the following energy habits that cost you the most so that you can change your lifestyle and lower your bill.

1. Leaving the Heat On

You love to come home to a nice, warm house, but you don’t love the energy bill that comes with it. Instead of keeping your heat on the same setting and running it all day, you can shut down your system while you’re at work and when there’s nobody home. If you buy a smart programmable thermostat, you can set a timer for the heat to kick on right before you get back home.

2. Drying Clothes on Racks Inside

You may think you’re saving money by not running your dryer, but trying to dry clothes inside your house makes it more difficult to heat it. Your wet clothes add moisture to the air and make it harder for the heat to circulate. To fix this issue, you can set your drying racks up in your garage instead of in your bedroom or living room.

3. Poor Insulation

Before winter begins, it’s a good idea to check for gaps under your doors, around your windows and in any other places where hot air could escape. Poor insulation will only make it more difficult to heat your home and save money on heating. For a quick fix, put a rolled-up towel under your door, and buy curtains that cover your entire windows. Keep your curtains open when the sun is shining, but quickly close them around dusk to keep the heat from the sun in your house.

4. Forgetting to Change Your Furnace’s Filter

When it comes to monthly maintenance, don’t forget to clean or change your furnace’s air filter. Keeping a dirty one in there makes it more difficult for your unit to heat your home, resulting in poor efficiency and high energy bills. Make a note to take a few minutes and change the filter every month.

5. Failing to Service Your Furnace

Your furnace works well, but it could work even better with regular servicing. Routine maintenance can help save money on heating as well as extend the life of your furnace and save you money in the long-run. Hire a professional to inspect, clean, lubricate and maintain your heating system right before the start of the winter months. Also, check to make sure you have a good amount of heating oil available before the weather turns cold.

Contact Marstellar Oil and Concrete

When you need heating oil in Harrisburg and beyond, reach out to Marstellar Oil and Concrete. We can help you save money on heating with our lowest minimum delivery and same-day or next-day delivery. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you heat your home all winter long.

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